New community cycling system launched in Eger

Mayor Ádám Mirkóczi highlighted the importance of a new community cycling system for Eger, noting that it brings a much-needed environmentally conscious transport option to the city. “This mobility-intensive, environmentally conscious method of transport was missing from the map of the city," said Ádám Mirkóczki at the system's inauguration.


On 5 April 2023, Eger inaugurated a new community cycling system as part of the HungAIRy LIFE integrated project. The system began with 20 bicycles and two stations, located on Kallómalom street in the Upper Town and Orva street. The main goal is to encourage residents to use alternative transportation methods instead of cars.

The Eger Bike initiative, which started in January 2019, was made possible with support from the European Union’s LIFE programme.  Mayor Mirkóczi emphasized that this system, although just one element of the broader project, is crucial for the city. He mentioned the new discounted annual public transport ticket of 1,000 Forints as another effort to reduce car usage, and he expressed a desire to introduce electric scooters in the future. The Eger Bike aims to reduce air pollution, congestion and noise by integrating bicycles into daily lives. It seeks to promote this efficient and environmentally friendly transport option among both commuters and visitors. The mayor also indicated plans to expand the scheme.

Bálint Kiss, representing Magyar Telekom Group, the contractor, stated that the two stations are equipped with 30 hybrid docking stations, suitable for future integration of electric bicycles.  All bikes come with GPS, and there are possiblities to add more stations, particularly near larger factories in the city.

For more information about the Eger Bike system, visit


Source: Heves Megyei Hírlap

Photo: Dániel Berán