Success for all ages at this year's 'tekAIRd körbe!' competition

Young and old, from 7 years old to 70 - all ages were represented in this year's tekAIRd körbe! competition. The campaign, part of the HungAIRy LIFE integrated, was launched by Herman Ottó Institute Nonprofit Ltd. and its project partners to promote the importance of bicycle.


Unlike car use, cycling does not pollute the air, generate noise, require extended land use, and is energy and resource-efficient. Moreover, it helps reduce traffic congestion and positively impact on our health. This is why the organisations, municipalities and their service providers cooperating in the HungAIRy project launched this initiative.

In the 2023 call for proposals, participants were encouraged to use their bikes and a GPS navigation system to draw interesting shapes on the map (GPS art) or to cycle around one of Hungary’s major lakes.

Almost 600 people took part in the summer campaign, cycling around all the priority lakes (Lake Balaton, Lake Fertő, Lake Tisza, Lake Velencei). The campaign also reached more than one million people with its awareness-raising content, activities and cycling tips.

The final rankings were decided by the public on the project's Facebook page after a pre-selection process:

  • Gábor Reisz won 1st place with his entry „Budapestország”.
  • Gábor Kiss won 2nd place in the public vote with his picture titled: „Nyuszi” (Bunny)
  • 3rd place went to Piroska Paczári with her entry „Virág” (Flower), created with a bicycle.
  • The largest team was registered by Alice Pruzsina with 113 participants.

Additionally, Herman Ottó Institute Nonprofit Ltd., the coordinator of the project, drew 10 lucky winners from the „tekAIRd körbe!” applicats: Tamara Ágota, Erika Benedek, Pál Kancsár, Ákos Kovács, Dániel Achilles Kovács, Bernadett Mácsár-Nagy, Károly Dr. Menyhárt, Adrienn Nagy, Csaba Öllős, Péter Zsákay.


Source: Herman Ottó Institute Nonprofit Ltd.