Handover of air protection pilot house in Karcag

Within the framework of the HungAIRy LIFE integrated project, in Erzsébet-liget, Karcag a unique pilot house was handed over, which in its design and function illustrates solutions having positive effects on air protection.

On the roof of the building there are 14 solar panels, which - in suitable weather conditions - can cover the entire energy needs of the house. Two sides are equipped with pergola extensions, thereby helping the passive protection of the heat load caused by solar radiation on the glass surfaces of the building; in addition, two motorized external sunshades were placed on the two sidewalls.

There is a green roof on top of the main entrance, while there are green walls on the side facades, which are irrigated with rainwater flowing down from the roof. The building is cooled and heated by a 12 kWh air-water heat pump system, and its service system operates with environmentally friendly refrigerant gas.

The central heat-recovery ventilation system ensures adequate air exchange: it removes the used air and replaces it with filtered, fresh, appropriate temperature air into the interior of the building. Unlike in the conventional air conditioners, in the building there are 5 pieces of fan-coil systems in which the medium material between the external and internal heat exchange is not gas, but water.

At the ceremonial handover of the building on May 16, 2024, Tibor Szepesi, the mayor of Karcag, said that the design of the pilot house started in August 2022, and the furniture and mechanical fine-tuning of the finished building followed at the end of 2023. The building has a net floor area of 167 sqm, which includes a lobby, office, exhibition space, lecture hall, mechanical room and water block.

The house will showcase technological solutions related to energy efficiency and energy management through interactive tools and displays, but it will also serve as a venue for environmental awareness campaigns and events, the mayor added.

It also hosts the Eco-manager's Office, whose primary aim is to support local measures to improve air quality.

Parliament member Sándor F. Kovács highlighted: It is up to us how we fill the building, how we shape our environment, the environmental and landscape protection through generations, young and old. This is the mission of this building.

Dr. Sándor Fazekas, Member of Parliament, former Minister of Agriculture, said that after the presentation of the pump track, the playground, the Shaman Drum, the Róna Mill, the kun gates and native fruit varieties, the air protection pilot house will be the icing on the cake.

Gábor Gyula Szanka, CEO of HungaroMet, was also present at the event. He emphasized that air pollution is the most significant environmental health problem not only in Hungary, but also in other European countries, which is why it is important to develop an environmentally conscious attitude, which should start with the youngest age group.

The handover of the air protection pilot house ended with a ceremonial ribbon-cutting and then a series of professional presentations.

Balázs Fodor, managing director of WIBA Solution Kft., spoke about the building engineering solutions of the pilot house, as well as the possibilities of energy saving and reducing harmful emissions.

Szabolcs Bíró, the managing director of Kezes-lábas Playhouse, emphasized in his presentation that it is important to feel the weight what kind of energy investment is required for the operation of a given consumer, as energy is not free. Their 160th self-made awareness-raising tool has just been delivered to Karcag and was presented at the handing over of the air protection pilot house.

In the afternoon, visitors to Erzsébet Park were welcomed by the Kezes-lábas Playhouse, they could also try electric car test driving, see building engineering and bicycle demonstrations, and ride on a bicycle obstacle course.

Photo: Karcagi Hírmondó, HungAIRy