Hundreds of children participated the Car Free Day in Esztergom

Herman Ottó Institute Nonprofit Ltd., coordinator of the HungAIRy LIFE integrated project, joined the Municipality of Esztergom City of County Rights for an awareness raising activity at the Car Free Day programme of the municipality. This event also served as the campaign closing event for the „tekAIRd körbe!” initiative, which aims to promote cycling.


"The best way to raise environmental awareness and foster green mindsets in society is through the upcoming generations." - said Nikoletta Keszthelyi, Deputy State Secretary for the Environment at the Ministry of Energy in Esztergom. She added that Car Free Day highlights the fact that preserving our environment values and improving air quality are not only governmental responsibilities but also tasks where local municipalities, NGOs and the public can make significant contributions.

HungAIRy and North-HU-Trans LIFE integrated projects provided playful activities and awareness raising brochures for kindergarten and primary school children in the city’s main square. At the stands, children could learn about cycling, composting and energy efficiency in an engaging manner. More than 300 children attended the event, participated in games and activities. They also enjoyed interacting with the popular mascot, Süni (Hedgehog).

The local cycling association, Esztergomi Küllőszaggatók, engaged kindergartners and young schoolchildren with active tasks, including bicycle and running races.

The event was also joined by the team from the Slovakian POPULAIR LIFE integrated project, strengthening the cooperation between LIFE projects and fostering international exchange of experiences.