Not only cycle, but look around!

Under the HungAIRy LIFE integrated project, Herman Otto Institute Non-profit Ltd. has launched the first addition of its “tekAIR” Pro-Cycling National Video Contest for individuals and teams of interested people.


Within the framework of HungAIRy project, which aims to improve air quality in Hungary during its 8-year lifespan, the project coordinator Herman Otto Institute Nonprofit Ltd. launched its “tekAIR” event on 1st July 2021, in order to promote cycling. During the course of the following year and a half, awareness raising events will be held three times. The “tekAIR” video contest is the first event in the series.


Hop on two wheels and show your favourite cycling route!

The aim of the video contest is to encourage as many people as possible to cycle and promote its positive effects on air quality. Participants must submit a short video introducing natural and built attractions along their favourite cycling routes. With this contest, we would like to target residents who have strong feelings to their hometowns and tourists who are planning to visit one of the cycle routes.

“Not only cycle, but look around” event would like to grab people’s attention that cycling is not only an activity that helps to protect the environment, but it is great for our health, while it boosts physical and mental wellbeing. It is not easy to appreciate the view when we are driving fast along the roads. Meanwhile, the landscape immediately come to life when we are on a bike. It is by riding a bicycle that we can learn the contours of a county best, and become more enthusiastic about discovering nature.


Technical requirements and conditions of participations

The video should be no longer than ninety seconds. In the short video, participants must show the natural and built attractions of a given area/county that are easily accessible by bike.

The video can be recorded with any type of device (e.g. mobile phone, professional video camera).

The video can be done in any style.

Limit one video per person or team.

Video should not exceed 1GB in size.

Video (using WeTransfer or JumboMail to upload) along with all documents must be submitted to the following e-mail: takair [at] (takair[at]hoi[dot]hu)

The jury will assess the submitted videos and decide who will receive the first, the second and the third place, and an online poll on Facebook will be organize to choose the “People’s Choice Award”.



The video contest starts on 1st July and ends on 30th September 2021.

Participation is free of charge. Nor registration fee or entry fee are required.



The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners and the winner of the People’s Choice Award will receive valuable gift baskets offered by the project partners of HungAIRy LIFE. The award ceremony will be held in September, in Budapest.

After the contest, the video will be offered to local governments, where videos were made, in order to use them as awareness raising materials.


The application form is available online on the website of HungAIRy (


Hop on a bike!