The Hungarian Version of ATMO-Plan Presented at an International Conference

This June, Anita Tóth gave a presentation on the Hungarian version of the ATMO-Plan air quality planning application at the international HARMO conference in Pärnu, Estonia.
The HARMO (Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes) conference aims to develop harmonised air quality modelling methods at international level and to promote the use of next generation models within atmospheric dispersion modelling. This year, the 22nd HARMO conference was held from June 10–13 in Pärnu, Estonia. During the four-day event, presentations were grouped under different themes and coffee breaks provided an opportunity for networking and exchanging experiences.
At the HARMO conference, Anita Tóth, an expert from HungaroMet's Air Quality Modelling and Emission Department, gave a presentation on the Hungarian adaptation of the ATMO-Plan on the topic of air pollution management and decision support systems.
ATMO-Plan is an urban-scale air quality planning application that supports the work of the network of eco-managers established within the LIFE HungAIRy integrated project. The ATMO-Plan application is developed by VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Research) and is part of a larger system called ATMOSYS. The Hungarian version of the model is operated and updated by HungaroMet Hungarian Meteorological Service Nonprofit Ltd.
In her presentation, Anita Tóth presented the two main modules of the ATMO-Plan (road traffic and residential heating modules), which calculate the air quality impact of measures to reduce pollutant emissions.
The English presentation and the corresponding abstract are expected to be available on the HARMO conference website ( from September 2024