Improving air quality in Miskolc: HungAIRy project's monitoring efforts and awareness campaign

The HungAIRy LIFE integrated project aims to tackle one of the most important environmental health problems: air pollution, in 10 Hungarian municipalities, including Miskolc. Over the past period, more than 60 air quality monitoring units have been installed across the city, and the measured data are available on the website.
As part of the HungAIRy project, the Municipality of Miskolc and University of Miskolc have installed measuring units in more than 60 locations across the city. These sensors are capable of measuring particulate matter (PM) in the air. The data is available on the website and the pmmonitoring app (Android, iPhone), allowing anyone to check current air quality at any time, and receive health and lifestyle advice on how to prevent or adapt to air pollution.
The results of the monitoring network so far indicate that the main source of air pollution in Miskolc is the inappropriate household solid fuel combustion. The data also shows that, contrary to popular belief, air pollution in the city is not increasing but slightly decreasing year by year.
To raise awareness of the PM monitoring network and the website, a poster campaign will be launched on 16 October. The campaign will present four different posters displayed at 25 bus stops in Miskolc. The first two posters will be on display from mid-October to the end of December, and the second two from January to the end of March.
Source: the Municipality of the City of Miskolc